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Hyeong (Patterns)

In the Han Tae Kwon-Do Alliance, there are 24 patterns, one for each hour of the day. Each one has a meaning; elements are often symbolic of events in Korean history. For example, in Hwa-Rang (created by Grandmaster Han Cha Kyo) the name refers to the Hwa-Rang / 화랑 group which existed in the Silla / 신라 dynasty in the 7th century and which practiced Taek-Gyeon / 택견, the precursor of Tae Kwon Do; and the 29 steps refers to the 29th Infantry Division where General Choi Hong Hi / 최홍희 began to develop modern Tae Kwon Do in the 20th century.

The use of the yell / ki-hap / 기합 in patterns varies from school to school. Listed here are the kihaps as taught at Han's Tae Kwon Do, where kihaps are done at various points within the patterns, and on the last move of a pattern only if that move is an attack (punch, kick, strike) -- not if the last move is a block. Your school may do a kihap on the last move of every pattern, or not at all, or at varying places within the patterns.

A right L-stance is one in which the body faces to the right. Thus, the left leg is forward in a right L-stance. Conversely, in a right walking-stance, the right leg is forward.

Hyeong / 형 is one Korean term for "pattern"; another that is sometimes used in Tae Kwon Do is teul / 틀.

Rules for Performing Patterns:

  1. Pattern should begin and end at the same spot.
  2. Correct posture and facing must be maintained at all times.
  3. The muscles of the body should be tensed or relaxed at the critical moments in the exercise.
  4. The exercise should be performed in a rhythmic manner with an absence of stiffness.
  5. Movement should be accelerated and decelerated at the appropriate times.
  6. Each pattern should be perfected before going on to the next.
  7. Know the purpose of each movement.
  8. Perform each movement with realism.

Also, in the HTA, one maintains one's head at the same height when going from one move to the next, unless specifically indicated. Some practitioners perform the patterns with the so-called "sine wave", standing up between moves.

Note: in order to view the Hangeul characters, you need to have Korean language support installed on your computer.

Four-directional punch / Four-directional kick

1천지Cheon-Ji19 moves  13의암Eui-Am45 moves
2단군Dan-Gun21 moves  14충장Chung-Jang52 moves
3도산Do-San24 moves  15고당Go-Dang39 moves
4원효Won-Hyo28 moves  16삼일Sam-Il33 moves
5율곡Yul-Gok38 moves  17유신Yu-Sin68 moves
6중근Jung-Geun32 moves  18최영Choe-Yeong46 moves
7퇴계Toi-Gye37 moves  19연개Yeon-Gae49 moves
8화랑Hwa-Rang29 moves  20을지Eul-Ji42 moves
9충무Chung-Mu30 moves  21문무Mun-Mu61 moves
10광개Gwang-Gae39 moves  22서산Seo-San72 moves
11포은Po-Eun36 moves  23세종Se-Jong24 moves
12계백Gye-Baek44 moves  24통일Tong-Il56 moves

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Han's Tae Kwon Do