Han Cha Kyo - Tae Kwon Do Times article, January 1995
Grandmaster Han Cha Kyo
The Humble Giant

This article by Andrew B. Spiegel originally appeared in the January
1995 issue of the Tae Kwon
Do Times, and is reproduced here by permission.
Grandmaster Han, along with his brother, Grandmaster Han Min Kyo, have
developed a new system of exercise and breathing that has the medical
community knocking on their door.
"He was my Master," Master Han replied to my question about Nam's Tae Kwon
Do. It was July 1982 and I was looking for a school to begin my Tae Kwon
Do training. I was expecting some other answer: a criticism of the
school; a negative comment about the instructors. Instead, Master Han
gave me his humble reply.
There are only a few ninth dan masters in the world. Han Cha Kyo is one
of the great ones. Despite his international reputation and
world-renowned achievements, Master Han remains a humble teacher. He can
be found most days in the dojang, teaching Chung Do Kwan, traditional Tae
Kwon Do, to his students.

I decided to begin training with Master Han after that meeting. Now, 12
years later, I relish attending black belt class at 6:30 AM on Saturday
morning, driving nearly 30 miles, to train with Master Han. Despite all
his achievements, Master Han can still be found in the dojang, teaching
his students. It is the same with his brother, Han Min Kyo, who owns and
operates his own school in Danville, Illinois, one hour south of

The brothers came from humble beginnings. The elder brother, Han Cha Kyo,
was born in Seoul, South Korea, on July 20, 1934. He has been a student
of the martial arts for most of his life. In Korea, Han Cha Kyo trained
under three masters, one of which was the same Master Nam I has so
recently asked about during our first meeting. Master Han rose rapidly in
the ranks. Together with General Choi, Master Nam and others, Master Han
was instrumental in the development of modern Tae Kwon Do as it is practiced
throughout the world today. He has a wealth of experience as an
instructor, administrator and promoter of Tae Kwon Do and health.
Throughout his years of service, he and his younger brother, an eighth dan
black belt, continued to revise and refine their ideas about martial arts
and health. Their study led to the creation of the Han Method and the
establishment of the Han Foundation.

Master Han and his family came to the United States in 1971, settling in
Chicago. Younger brother Han Min Kyo, who graduated from Seoul Moonri
Educational University, followed in 1976 and eventually opened his own
school in Danville, in 1978. During this period, the brothers extended
their research and developed the Han Method, designing and obtaining
patents for the Oxitrim and Dynastrike exercise devices.

The Han Method names stress and tension as the harbingers of disease and
sickness. Grandmaster Han Cha Kyo explains: "From the first day of life,
the body is exposed to the environment and must adapt itself to its
influences. The body possesses a system to adjust its function to a
situation in the best way possible. This reaction occurs without
conscious effort. This system is the regulatory system and the result of
the adapting reaction is homeostasis. The regulatory system includes the
nervous system, which works through nerve endings, hormones and the
immune system. The nervous system works like a computer, programmed to
keep the body alive. There is input information; a processing step;
and output information expressed in the body's physiology and the
individual's behavior. It is possible to control the body's state by
controlling the input stimuli to the brain.

"There are two important points about the regulatory system -- it is an
open system in that any information can enter the system, and the
regulatory system is constant, functioning for the life of the individual.
Further, the system functions according to the law of supremacy with
regard to information it receives. So, by concentrating, a person can
introduce selected information to achieve a desired state."

Han Min Kyo explains: "For example, when a person experiences stress, a
cycle may occur where he places more pressure on himself to respond to the
situation. If the person is not successful, then even more pressure is
added to break the frustration of the cycle. Physically, the regulatory
system has increased the person's heart rate and blood pressure.
Respiration is also increased and is shallow and uneven. Consequently,
the necessary oxygen is not getting to the areas of the body that need it.
Muscles are tensed and constrict the proper flow of blood throughout the
body. This tension, if not relieved, will alter breathing."
The Han System promotes deep breathing as seen in infants and children
inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. "This highly
oxygenated blood and increased blood flow brings more nutrients to all
tissues and removes carbon dioxide and other waste products harmful to
the body's functions. It also aids in the regenerative processes.
Through diaphragmatic breathing, not only are blood flow and circulation
improved, but tension is released throughout the body." The Han Method is
facilitated by the Hans' own inventions, the Oxitrim and the Dynastrike
exercise devices.
The Oxitrim is an accordion-like device used in conjunction with Ki Kong
Breathing to stimulate the entire cardiovascular system. The device is
compressed in conjunction with exhaling in a long breath. This forces the
air out of the bellows through a small hole. It also forces the carbon
dioxide out of the user's lungs. When fully compressed, the Oxitrim is
held in that position momentarily. As the compression is slowly released,
the bellows slowly fills with air. The user, at the same time, fills his
lungs with oxygen. This process is repeated in any number of exercises.
The eyes remain open throughout the routine.
The Dynastrike is a hand-held Oxytrim. Instead of pads on either end, one
end is designed to be held in the hand. It is then used for punching,
kicking and a variety of basic techniques.
Both the Dynastrike and the Oxytrim are used to help those afflicted with
Cystic Fibrosis. A pilot program was developed by Lutheran General
Hospital in which the Han Method replaced the bronchial drainage therapy
commonly used to relieve the effects of the disease. This CF program
demonstrated the Han Method is an effective alternative to relieve the
concentration of phlegm that accumulates in the lungs of Cystic Fibrosis
sufferers. The Han Method has also been effective in relieving the
effects of Multiple Sclerosis, arthritis and a variety of other diseases.
While developing the Han Method, the Han brothers have remained active in
the Tae Kwon Do community. In 1973, the Elder Han served as Chief Referee
at the first World Tae Kwon Do Championships held in Montreal, Canada. In
1978, he was named Secretary General of the ITF. Since 1978, Grandmaster
Han has continued teaching traditional Tae Kwon Do in the Chicago area.
He has also continued to refine the Han Method and to teach his students
the importance of community service.
Master Han Cha Kyo founded the Universal Tae Kwon Do Federation (UTF) in
1982 in Chicago. "Our aim is to build a non-political worldwide
foundation of true martial artists by promoting the spirit of traditional
Tae Kwon Do with a special emphasis on teaching senior citizens and the
handicapped community," said Master Han in a recent interview.
"The UTF follows the principles of seven fundamental tenets: courtesy,
integrity, perseverance, self-control, indomitable spirit, love, community
service. We do not discriminate against other organizations or students.
We recognize Tae Kwon Do as an ancient art which promotes the highest
traditions of moral culture.
"Another major difference is the UTF's ongoing commitment to community
service. Community service involves sharing the physical and spiritual
philosophy of the dojang with the people from the local community," added
the Grandmaster.
How does the Han Method help with those special needs? "These people have
special limitations and require exercise just like everyone else. Oxitrim
exercises easily adapt to most physical limitations. Ki Kong breathing
and squeezing, while keeping eyes closed, is not hard or complicated; it
is very therapeutic. "The Oxitrim is a flexible training device designed
with the special needs of the community in mind," states Han.
How does community service benefit the UTF student? The elder Master
continues, "Teaching the Han Method to these people helps students to
develop their inner selves. Community service is a UTF teaching tool
designed to build leadership qualities and moral character. It (the UTF)
teaches humility and shows healthy Tae Kwon Do students that other people
live under more challenging conditions than they do."
In November 1993, Han Cha Kyo transformed his words into deeds. With the
help of many dedicated students, he organized the first MARCHPAD, a
martial arts tournament for the mentally and physically challenged. The
event was held in Lincolnwood, Illinois, with competitors from across the
The students of both masters have also discovered the Han Method. They
use it to dissolve the stress associated with everyday life. With eyes
closed, Ki Kong breathing and Oxytrim exercises, the mind becomes focused
on the body. Problems seem to melt away. I look forward to recharging my
batteries each Saturday morning in black belt class. Master Han Cha Kyo
has the unique ability to make each class a new experience. The choice I
made back in July 1982 was one of the best choices of my life.
Whether teaching the Han Method to a challenged student or explaining it
to a media personality, Grandmaster Han Cha Kyo remains humble. A
lifetime of achievement has not changed him.
By Andrew B. Spiegel